BBC's report on people of Namie town in Fukushima-"Storyville-Surviving the Tsunami"

Watashi wa kinoo kono repooto o You-tube de mimashita.    *1

Riaritii no aru kireina eezoo de, nihonjin dakedenaku sekai no hitobito nimo

kore o mitemoraitai to kanjimashita.   *2

Genpatsujiko ni tsuite kangaeru tame no ii eezoo desuga,

nihon ya nihongo no benkyoo nimo iidesu.   *3


*1   I watched this report on You-tube yesterday.

*2   This is a beautiful picture with reality, and I wanted only Japanese but also people in

       other countries to watch this.

*3   This is a good picture for thinking about a nuclear power plant disaster,

       and this is also good for study of Japan and Japanese.



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