Minna Tookyoo sukaitsurii to kinkannisshoku de moriagatteimasu.
Takasa wa 634 meetoru de sekai de ichiban takai denpatoo desu. *1
Kookai wa 5 gatsu 22 nichi desu. *2
Kojin nyuujooken wa ima chuusen nanode, hatobasu de ikunoga iikamoshiremasen. *3
Kinkanshoku wa 21 nichi ni miraremasu. Watashi wa yuube
tsunami no yue o mitanode wakuseino chokuretsu ga
shinpaidesu *4
Sukaitsurii no takasa wa "MuSaShi" de oboemashoo.
"Mushashi" wa nihon no furui senkan to furui gyooseekuiki no name demoarimasu *5
Watashi wa nekyoo ga sametekara ikutsumoridesu. *6
*1 The hight is 634 meters and it is the highest record as a radio tower in
the world.
*2 The public opening is May 22.
*3 You can get the personal entrance ticket by lot, so it might
be good to go there by Hato-bus.
*4 The annular eclipse is May 21. I had a dream of tsunami
last night, so I worry a little about it.
*5 Let's memorize the hight of Skytree saying "Musashi", which is 634.
"Mushashi" is also the name of Japnese old battleship and the lold Regional district.
*6 I am going to Skytree after the fever.